Cigar Accessories - Gifts
In an industry where cigar accessories were all made in China, GRAMM Works was established to combat that issue 10 years ago. Building this company in the shadow of our defense contracting business, our main focus was to design, manufacture, and deliver high-quality products held to the same standards required by the U.S. Department of Defense. From the materials used for each product's manufacturing, the coatings each product receives, to the packaging materials used, American-sourced vendors are the method of use.
Founded by 5 childhood friends in Pittsburgh, PA in 2012, GRAMM Works quickly became a conversation starter with our flagship product, The Travel Humidor. These humidors have shipped all over the globe. Some have seen combat in Afghanistan, others simply to countries who wanted a better option to protect their products. Companies like SIG SAUER, MGM Resorts, and dozens of Ma and Pop Cigar Shops all trust in our products.
Each product is fully customizable to fit your needs. Whether it is a Father's Day gift for your Dad/Husband or even a unique Groomsman Gift for the big day, GRAMM Works is ready to provide you with a product built for the War Fighter.
Founded by 5 childhood friends in Pittsburgh, PA in 2012, GRAMM Works quickly became a conversation starter with our flagship product, The Travel Humidor. These humidors have shipped all over the globe. Some have seen combat in Afghanistan, others simply to countries who wanted a better option to protect their products. Companies like SIG SAUER, MGM Resorts, and dozens of Ma and Pop Cigar Shops all trust in our products.
Each product is fully customizable to fit your needs. Whether it is a Father's Day gift for your Dad/Husband or even a unique Groomsman Gift for the big day, GRAMM Works is ready to provide you with a product built for the War Fighter.