Smooth Sailing (Mild) - The Culture (Medium) - Scarlet Crown (Full)
The highest quality full-bodied cigars from The Brand 1776!
The Brand 1776, is a small boutique brand that believes in the highest quality first. Quality before profits always. There has to be honor in the cigar industry and we intend to maintain it. We consider our customers our extended family and family comes first. We are not the cigar company for everyone. We are for the most discerning cigar aficionados.
The Cigars Our cigar SMOOTH SAILING is a fantastic, mellow to medium-bodied handmade cigar dressed in a silky flavorful, mellow wrapper. This wrapper offers an exceedingly creamy flavor and mouthfeel, and perfectly complements the Cuban-seed Nicaraguan long-fillers. After significant aging, each cigar envelops the palate with layers of thick flavor, leaving behind subtle notes of wood, coffee, and cream. Yes, it is mellow, but it’s not short on flavor. This cigar truly satisfies, and The Brand 1776 followers will find this a wonderful change of pace and a cigar to be your smooth, mellow regular.
THE CULTURE is possibly the most exclusive and elusive offering in the cigar industry and certainly one of the most sought-after cigars The Brand 1776 is offering. The Culture is truly something special. Packed to the gills with complexity and captivating flavors, this gem will take you on a medium to full-bodied journey in one of the most refined blends to ever be created. Covering this beauty is an extensively-aged, silky-smooth Nicaraguan wrapper leaf. Beneath, a bevy of carefully selected vintage Nicaraguan and Dominican long-fillers meld beautifully together. Extremely rich and well-balanced, The Brand 1776 delivers out-of-this-world flavor with succulent notes of fresh cedar, sweet honey, citrus, and earth. With extremely limited quantities, this is a blend for the ages that you won’t want to miss out on.
SCARLET CROWN is going to be the full-body cigar of your dreams. The Brand 1776 utilizes a bold full spectrum of flavorful wrapper leaves and Nicaraguan long-fillers grown in Nicaragua's jet black, volcanic soils and smooth blend of aged Nicaraguan Ligero from the Jalapa Valley of Nicaragua. The Brand 1776 cigar is full-bodied and full-flavored, offering layers of coffee, spice, and tobacco flavors with a hint of dark chocolate on the finish.
The owner Gary Young has been in and around the cigar culture for over 40 years. Now 40 years later, he has been an influencer in the worldwide cigar culture. Rachel Reeves worked with cigar makers in the ’80s in NYC. At the time, there were quite a good amount of small cigar factories. She started distributing cigars in the mid-west from the early 90’s till the early 2000s. Now teamed up with Gary Young, they built a very strong foundation for their cigar company.
The Brand 1776, is a small boutique brand that believes in the highest quality first. Quality before profits always. There has to be honor in the cigar industry and we intend to maintain it. We consider our customers our extended family and family comes first. We are not the cigar company for everyone. We are for the most discerning cigar aficionados.
The Cigars Our cigar SMOOTH SAILING is a fantastic, mellow to medium-bodied handmade cigar dressed in a silky flavorful, mellow wrapper. This wrapper offers an exceedingly creamy flavor and mouthfeel, and perfectly complements the Cuban-seed Nicaraguan long-fillers. After significant aging, each cigar envelops the palate with layers of thick flavor, leaving behind subtle notes of wood, coffee, and cream. Yes, it is mellow, but it’s not short on flavor. This cigar truly satisfies, and The Brand 1776 followers will find this a wonderful change of pace and a cigar to be your smooth, mellow regular.
THE CULTURE is possibly the most exclusive and elusive offering in the cigar industry and certainly one of the most sought-after cigars The Brand 1776 is offering. The Culture is truly something special. Packed to the gills with complexity and captivating flavors, this gem will take you on a medium to full-bodied journey in one of the most refined blends to ever be created. Covering this beauty is an extensively-aged, silky-smooth Nicaraguan wrapper leaf. Beneath, a bevy of carefully selected vintage Nicaraguan and Dominican long-fillers meld beautifully together. Extremely rich and well-balanced, The Brand 1776 delivers out-of-this-world flavor with succulent notes of fresh cedar, sweet honey, citrus, and earth. With extremely limited quantities, this is a blend for the ages that you won’t want to miss out on.
SCARLET CROWN is going to be the full-body cigar of your dreams. The Brand 1776 utilizes a bold full spectrum of flavorful wrapper leaves and Nicaraguan long-fillers grown in Nicaragua's jet black, volcanic soils and smooth blend of aged Nicaraguan Ligero from the Jalapa Valley of Nicaragua. The Brand 1776 cigar is full-bodied and full-flavored, offering layers of coffee, spice, and tobacco flavors with a hint of dark chocolate on the finish.
The owner Gary Young has been in and around the cigar culture for over 40 years. Now 40 years later, he has been an influencer in the worldwide cigar culture. Rachel Reeves worked with cigar makers in the ’80s in NYC. At the time, there were quite a good amount of small cigar factories. She started distributing cigars in the mid-west from the early 90’s till the early 2000s. Now teamed up with Gary Young, they built a very strong foundation for their cigar company.