Shield Protection Products

Self-Defense Products Sold, Tested & Approved By Cops

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Pepper Spray - Stun Guns/Tasers - Self-Defense Keychains - Batons/Kubatons- Survival Food
At Shield Protection Products, your safety and security are our highest priority. Recognizing the need for supplying and training citizens to properly equip and use self-defense products motivated us to begin this journey. With our experience in law enforcement and first responders, we have dedicated ourselves to providing our clients with the best self-defense products paired with years of expertise and certified training knowledge. Join our team at Shield Protection Products to guarantee you are fully prepared for the unexpected!

John Hill & John Heise
Co-Owners of Shield Protection Products LLC.

Shield Protection Products can make a difference when danger arises. Self-defense is important to us at Shield Protection Products, and we believe that everyone should be empowered to defend themselves against an attack. You need to be prepared to protect yourself; our selection of self-defense and protection products and our training tutorial videos help prepare you for the moment you need it the most.

As family men, we are tired of seeing low-quality products that provide ineffective results to undertrained individuals. We believe that if a self-defense business sells you a product, it should be effective, high-quality, and include information on how to use it properly. That is why, at Shield Protection Products, when you buy our self-defense weapons, we can include a training video on the information you need to use our products.

Information is power! You need to know how to protect yourself and how to use our products the right way if the time comes when you need to defend yourself. Our experience as law enforcement officers makes the difference, and we’re dedicated to providing self-defense products and explaining how to use them with our informational training videos.

Our experience matters when it comes to your self-defense. So, what makes Shield Protection Products trustworthy and reliable? Our extensive, real-world experience as law enforcement officers and first responders. We’re a team you can trust when it comes to protecting yourself.

  30+ years of law enforcement experience
  Firearms Instructor
  Use of Force Instructor
  Advanced EMT Certification
  Pepper Spray, Taser, Collapsible Straight Baton Course Certifications
  Shoot House Instructor Certification
  Search and Rescue
  Active Shooter Instructor Certification
  Tactical Medicine (TACMED) Instructor Certification
  S.W.A.T. Trained
  Emergency Vehicle Operations Course (EVOC) Instructor

The safety of you, your family, and your loved ones is important to us at Shield Protection Products. You can rely on our team to assist you in product selection and training regarding the proper use of our products. Shield Protection Products is committed to providing our clients with the highest quality self-defense products available. We also offer additional training beyond what is provided with our own self-defense products. Be prepared to defend yourself against the unexpected with high-quality products, premier training, and the best self-defense solutions with Shield Protection Products.